Marine Life of Goa

Our vision with Marine Life of Goa is to bring attention to this largely understudied marine habitat, the intertidal zone. We aim to do that by reaching out to various stakeholders in different capacities through our activities, which fall under Outreach, Conservation & Education. The project design is based on the tested and successful model of Marine Life of Mumbai – the flagship project of the Coastal Conservation Foundation.

The intertidal zone is where the ocean meets the land and is above water at low tide and underwater at high tide. Intertidal zones exist anywhere the sea meets the shore, from steep, rocky ledges to long, sloping sandy beaches and mudflats extending for hundreds of meters. The intertidal is a dynamic ecosystem experiencing drastic changes. So, anything living in the intertidal zone must be able to survive changes in moisture, temperature, and salinity and withstand strong waves, making it home to some of the planet's most resilient and alien-like life.

Larger marine life, such as dolphins and predatory fish, find foraging for food ideal at high tide in the intertidal zone. A large variety of shorebirds stroll hungrily over the intertidal zone at low tide, looking for their meals. This ecosystem is home to a wide range of resident and migratory biodiversity and a nursery for reef and some deep-sea fish.

The intertidal zone has rocks and sand dunes, which are home to biodiversity and protect the coast from the brute force of wave action. The intertidal zone staves off erosion caused by storms, which helps protect the structures built by people. It is also a food source for many coastal communities that harvest seaweed, algae, crabs and mussels from this space. Healthy intertidal areas are essential because humans greatly rely on several ecological functions provided by this ecosystem, such as high productivity supporting fish that humans consume. This makes it crucial for us to monitor and preserve the health and biodiversity of the entire ecosystem.

The main goals of this project are:

1) Study and create a baseline understanding of the habitat

Under this vertical, we aim to expand the scope of coastal research by collecting scientific data and building capacity with third-party organisations and individuals.

2) Build awareness about the importance of this ecosystem

The primary vertical, outreach, covers various activities designed for diverse audiences. These include online science communication, nature trails, marine meetups, workshops, etc.

3) Garnering citizen support for the protection of the intertidal ecosystem

We aim to engage with and train the next generation of champions for the environment as part of this vertical. The other verticals focus more on various audiences, but this one specifically focuses on building empathy and an awareness of this ecosystem in young students. The goal is also to encourage and enhance the skills of young people from the community to further benefit from this ecosystem while also protecting it. Providing them with the right tools to promote their local culture and heritage around this ecosystem.

Current status: Fundraising ongoing


International Partner: 

National Partner: Coastal Conservation Foundation

Year of initiation: 2023

Area of work: Environment, Coastal, Intertidal, Marine

Donors: Vulcan Group

Fundraising target: (for 2023 - 2024) 3,632,082 INR

Total Funds raised: (for 2023 - 2024)