What We Do

Our Strategy & Process

We apply a systems thinking approach to that enables us to understand the root causes of interrelated issues.

This allows us to identify Key Leverage Points where the appropriate interventions can have a positive effect in transforming negative, spiraling cause and effect cycles.

We identify local NGOs and projects driven by community needs that will be enthusiastically supported by all stakeholders, and become self-sustaining over time.

We coordinate fundraising from Foundations, Individuals, HNIs, and Corporations who would like to support such projects but do not have the time or expertise to evaluate such programs.

We monitor, assess, and report on the use of funds and impact of the funded projects and provide transparency to the funders.

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Our Pillars


We support experimental educational approaches which prepare students for the challenges that they and the country will face in the future.


We focus on NGOs and projects which help address the imbalances between humans’ rate of consumption, and pollution generation and our planet’s ability to regenerate and detoxify, hence enabling sustainable development to continue in India.


We work with NGOs whose focus is to modernize traditional organic farming techniques to create a sustainable agriculture model which provides cost-effective highly nutritious, poison-free food which is financially remunerating to producers.

Holistic Health

We intend to support NGOs to research, integrate and combine traditional Holistic Healing systems with modern Allopathy to improve efficacy and reduce costs.


The first pillar we chose to activate was Environment in 2019.

We believe that the current ecological crisis is driven by the serious imbalances on one hand between our rate of consumption of natural resources and Earth’s ability to regenerate them and on the other our rate of generation of pollution/toxicity and Earth’s ability to absorb/detoxify itself. JF is focused on NGOs and projects which help address these imbalances while enabling sustainable development to continue in India.

1. Impact Production for Turtle Walker film
2. Marine Protected Area Network project.
3. Marine Megafauna Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release project


Next, we activated our Education pillar in 2022.

The current system of education in India is still based on principles and curriculum created under the British Raj. Our students are not being prepared for the challenges that they and the entire nation of India will face in the future. 

Today, most students are being taught rote learning, and assessed primarily by exam marks. They are not being equipped for to overcome real-world challenges in the present.

Socially Minded Indian Leadership-building Education program (SMILE)

Regenerative Agriculture

We intend to activate our Agriculture pillar in 2024.

Though Organic Farming techniques were pioneered in India, subsequently the Green Revolution and more recently GMO technologies have shifted the dominant approach to Chemical/GMS seed farming – creating an unsustainable food model which is poisoning the environment, the producer, and consumer and financially ruining the farmer. 

With the help of experts and NGOs, it is JF’s focus is to help modernize traditional organic farming techniques to create a sustainable agriculture model which provides cost-effective highly nutritious, poison-free food which is financially remunerating to producers. JF with its partners will enable the setup of a research center with experimental farms focused on organic medicinal herbs, pulses/grains, etc.

Holistic Health

Despite a long history of alternative and Holistic Healing Systems, the current Indian health system is being dominated by Allopathic and In-organic chemical Pharmacology.

 JF intends to support NGOs to integrate and combine traditional Holistic Healing systems with modern Allopathy to improve efficacy and reduce costs. Further, JF will support the research into various systems of preventive and longevity health care. 

For example, modern testing methods are effective in helping disease diagnosis while Holistic techniques (e.g. Yoga, Ayurveda, and Siddha) provide cost-effective prevention and cure for many chronic diseases. JF will support the setup of a research center in partnership with Indian and International organizations to do further research in integrating these various systems for improved results. A clinic and treatment center will be set up to provide healthcare to the local community.

Furthermore, we will support the research into various systems of preventive and longevity health care. We intend to set up clinics and treatment centers to provide quality healthcare to local communities.

Our Services

CSR Consulting

for companies seeking 
to create systemic change.

Strategic Planning

Creating Medium/Long-Term Goals and Strategies

Due Diligence

Identifying and then Conducting Due Diligence on Field NGOs

Impact Production

For filmmakers keen on leveraging the power of their films to make a change in the world.

Impact Strategy

Designing an impact strategy in collaboration with the film team

Integrated Interventions

Leveraging the Film for impact production

Marine Protected Area Network

Environment Pillar

Our Projects

Socially Minded Indian Leadership-building Education program (SMILE)

Education Pillar

Marine Megafauna Stranding Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Release

Environment Pillar

Minded Indian Leadership-building Education Program (SMILE)

Education Pillar

Our NGO Partners